Torex Pipe Couplings GT
Safe, quick couplings

GT Couplings are designed to join together two plain pipe ends on the same horizontal axis in a safe, quick and rigid way.
GT Pipe Couplings consist of two cast iron semi-casings with heavy-duty jaws set into the casing halves to secure the pipes together in a safe, quick and rigid way.
The two semi-casings are joined together by strong bolts and nuts positioned on the two ends.
Sealing is ensured by gaskets made from EPDM or food-grade SILICONE.
GT Couplings are designed to join together two plain pipe ends on the same horizontal axis in a safe, quick and rigid way. The jaws set into the casing ensure solid grip and prevent the pipes from pulling out.

- Operating temperature: -40 ~ 110 °C (-40 ~ 230 °F)
- Operating pressure: min. -0.5 bar / max. 7 bar (min. -7.2 PSI / max. 102 PSI)
- Diameters ranging from 40 up to 200 mm (from 1½ in up to 8 in) to meet most common pneumatic line ducts
- Quick and easy to install
- Reduced installation costs as compared to welded junctions
- More flexible than welding (GT coupling detachable and re-usable allowing easy and quick modifications of the pipe duct, or can be installed in other pneumatic ducts)
- Compact overall dimensions
- No pressure drop along pneumatic line
- No contamination due to silicone gasket
- Suitable for all pipe thicknesses
- GT coupling can be rotated to provide easy access to nuts and bolts
- Maintenance-free